Some of you may be aware that I have had Fibromyalgia, a neuromuscular chronic pain disorder for the past nine years. It has made my life hell and every year I get worse. It has really affected my ability to write, because it affects my ability to concentrate and zaps my energy.
Recently, I read an article in a local newspaper about a chiropractor that is an upper cervical specialists. I was diagnosed after a severe fall and it mostly affects my neck and shoulders. Apparently, the first vetebrae is called the Atlas bone and holds the head up. If it is out of place, it can have dire consequences. I went in and got evaluated and was told that yes, I needed his help. I was feeling skeptical, but I had my first adjustment yesterday. I got on my needs with my head turned to the right and flat on a padded table. He pushed really hard behind my skull and there was an enormous cracking sound. At first I thought he'd broken my neck, but then I realized that I was okay. I felt different. Sore, but different. I'm not really ready to say I'm better yet, but last night I slept peacefully for the first time in years and I woke up feeling rested. I usually wake up hurting badly and feeling tired. I still have pain, but it is more of a soreness, than anything else. I've been really super tired today, but I think that just may be the shock to my body. I have felt calm all day when usually I'm feeling confused and anxious.
So, I'm really hoping that this is the answer.
Now, for the novella. It's going slow, but good. The rewrite of Chapter One has been chosen as an Editor's Pick on the review site I frequent. This is a publisher run site that requires payment for membership. The only thing I don't like about the site is that the process is slow for me. You have to review probably two to three stories to gain enough points to post your own. When you are talking about chapters, it gets to be time consuming. I have gotten some good reviews and it still needs work, but when I get it done it will be good.
I really want this first longer work to be as good as it can be.
I'm in mid-draft right now. I've probably got a couple of more rewrites to do before I'm done and then I must decide what to do as far as publishing. I really don't have the money to publish it myself, but that is what I would like to do. I have two very talented artist friends who I could contract for the artwork. I can lay it out myself and work with a printer. I used to do desktop publishing. The only big problem is the money to print the copies, well that and the marketing. I know how to market, but I also know it takes money to do it right. I may see if I can pick up an ad for inside back cover and maybe an insert. That will help pay for some.
I'm also toying with the idea of doing it as a podcast and letting people download it for a fee. That is an area with which I am not familiar.
I'd be interested in hearing any opinions.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
For those who have never met me and may wonder what I look I am. Yeah, I look like a school teacher.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Today's News
In Columbus, Ohio a man was caught trying to collect urine out of a boys' bathroom. Apparently, he drinks the stuff for sexual kicks. Ewwww. Now that's a horror story. Here's the link to the full story:
On politics, I'm sick of hearing about both Obama and McCain. I think Palin is nauseating. And CNN National Polls are now showing Obama at 45% and McCain at 47%. Now I'm scared. I shudder to think what will happen if we have to put up with another four years of Republicans in office. McCain wasn't too bad, but Palin is a nightmare. I'm sure there are a lot of women out there who agree, if they take a close look at her. I'm not crazy about Obama, though I do like Biden. I hate that Ron Paul was shut out of the debates. We should teach both the big parties a lesson and vote Libertarian. The Republicans and Democrats have both had their chance, so why not let the Libertarians show what they can do. People are afraid of change, in the end, that may be why Obama/Biden loses. Oh, I'm not throwing in the towel. There's still plenty of time for America to wake up.
And in the literary world, a judge blocked a website from publishing a Harry Potter lexicon, citing that it would cause author J.K. Rowling 'irreparable harm.' Okay, I agree on the judge's decision, because I don't think a lexicon would come under fair use. Doing character comparison's is one thing, but to go in and do an in-depth encyclopedia is another. Now, would such a book cause J.K. Rowling irreparable harm? I seriously doubt that. I mean, come on, she's one of the richest women in the world. Here's the link:
I didn't watch the VMA's, but congratulations to Britney Spears for her comeback. I've never been a huge Britney fan, but I applaud anyone who is battling mental illness and triumphs. I wish everyone who suffered the way she has had the support that she does. Unfortunately, they don't. If you know someone who suffers from a mental illness, be it bipolar, schitzophrenia, anxiety, or even depression, no matter the illness, try to understand and be supportive to that person.
Okay, I now have a favorite new show. I watched episode one of Tru Blood last night, the vampire show based on the Charlaine Harris books and I loved it. I think the girl who plays Tara may want to tone it down just a little. She's hostile to the point of being annoying. I'm still not sure about the guy playing Bill the vampire. But Sam is adorable and Anna does a great job playing Sookie. I need to get the books and start reading. I read a couple of them many years ago, enough years that I have forgotten a lot. I recommend the show. It's funny, different, and very entertaining. Here's an article on Alan Ball, the director:
That's all I have to write about for now. Off to take my oldest to the dentist. Have a great day and drop me a comment if so inclined.
On politics, I'm sick of hearing about both Obama and McCain. I think Palin is nauseating. And CNN National Polls are now showing Obama at 45% and McCain at 47%. Now I'm scared. I shudder to think what will happen if we have to put up with another four years of Republicans in office. McCain wasn't too bad, but Palin is a nightmare. I'm sure there are a lot of women out there who agree, if they take a close look at her. I'm not crazy about Obama, though I do like Biden. I hate that Ron Paul was shut out of the debates. We should teach both the big parties a lesson and vote Libertarian. The Republicans and Democrats have both had their chance, so why not let the Libertarians show what they can do. People are afraid of change, in the end, that may be why Obama/Biden loses. Oh, I'm not throwing in the towel. There's still plenty of time for America to wake up.
And in the literary world, a judge blocked a website from publishing a Harry Potter lexicon, citing that it would cause author J.K. Rowling 'irreparable harm.' Okay, I agree on the judge's decision, because I don't think a lexicon would come under fair use. Doing character comparison's is one thing, but to go in and do an in-depth encyclopedia is another. Now, would such a book cause J.K. Rowling irreparable harm? I seriously doubt that. I mean, come on, she's one of the richest women in the world. Here's the link:
I didn't watch the VMA's, but congratulations to Britney Spears for her comeback. I've never been a huge Britney fan, but I applaud anyone who is battling mental illness and triumphs. I wish everyone who suffered the way she has had the support that she does. Unfortunately, they don't. If you know someone who suffers from a mental illness, be it bipolar, schitzophrenia, anxiety, or even depression, no matter the illness, try to understand and be supportive to that person.
Okay, I now have a favorite new show. I watched episode one of Tru Blood last night, the vampire show based on the Charlaine Harris books and I loved it. I think the girl who plays Tara may want to tone it down just a little. She's hostile to the point of being annoying. I'm still not sure about the guy playing Bill the vampire. But Sam is adorable and Anna does a great job playing Sookie. I need to get the books and start reading. I read a couple of them many years ago, enough years that I have forgotten a lot. I recommend the show. It's funny, different, and very entertaining. Here's an article on Alan Ball, the director:
That's all I have to write about for now. Off to take my oldest to the dentist. Have a great day and drop me a comment if so inclined.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Toni's Take on the News
First item up, Mackensie Phillips is off to rehab again after being caught with herion and cocaine. And guess what else she was charged with? She got a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized possession of a hypodermic needle or syringe.
Are they making these charges up? You have to have authorization to be in possession of a hypo or syringe now? I had an upstairs neighbor who used a hypo to inject his turkey with orange liquer for Thanksgiving dinner and another who uses a horse syringe to make some specialized liquor shots.
Maybe the writer should have written paraphenalia. That I would have understood.
As for Sarah Palin, she gives me the heebie jeebies. That and she put a $150 bounty of wolves. She's just a cuter Ann Coulter. Not to mention what she'll do to women's rights to prove she's tough. It seems to be she's done everything she can to prove she can play with the boys, but how can you play with the boys and still have the girls like you? I don't like her either way. It doesn't matter to me that she is from Alaska. Alaska is one of the states and deserves to be treated equally. I don't understand why everyone is making fun of her being from Alaska. I just don't agree with her views.
Now for news that makes you go "Ewwww." A girl was murdered in an attempted rape, but the guy who killed her didn't rape her. It turns out that a worker at the morgue did. Here's the link:
That's my take on the news for today.
Are they making these charges up? You have to have authorization to be in possession of a hypo or syringe now? I had an upstairs neighbor who used a hypo to inject his turkey with orange liquer for Thanksgiving dinner and another who uses a horse syringe to make some specialized liquor shots.
Maybe the writer should have written paraphenalia. That I would have understood.
As for Sarah Palin, she gives me the heebie jeebies. That and she put a $150 bounty of wolves. She's just a cuter Ann Coulter. Not to mention what she'll do to women's rights to prove she's tough. It seems to be she's done everything she can to prove she can play with the boys, but how can you play with the boys and still have the girls like you? I don't like her either way. It doesn't matter to me that she is from Alaska. Alaska is one of the states and deserves to be treated equally. I don't understand why everyone is making fun of her being from Alaska. I just don't agree with her views.
Now for news that makes you go "Ewwww." A girl was murdered in an attempted rape, but the guy who killed her didn't rape her. It turns out that a worker at the morgue did. Here's the link:
That's my take on the news for today.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Writing Update
At DragonCON I met a comic writer for Heavy Metal magazine who is a very cool guy. He is now helping me learn how to write in comic script format. He sent me an e-mail, explaining the basics and I took a story and changed it over to comic format.
First, I took some printer paper and a pencil. I drew out the panels and wrote the captions. I also wrote the descriptions for the artist. It didn't take me but an hour to do it and the story is actually much better for it. Then I put it into Word using basic comic script format, which goes something like this:
1/4 (Page One, Panel Four)
Caption (top): I knew Jim had a secret, but I never in a million years figured him for a fairy.
Split Panel
We see a girl staring through a lock. On the other side is a man stretching, thinking he is alone. He has fairy wings.
Like I said, I still have a lot to learn.
When I was a kid, I loved reading comics. I read all the old EC comics and I was a Marvel fan. I liked some DC, but Marvel had the best story lines and characters. It had never occured to me that I could write comics. Now I'm thinking it is a possibility, especially now that there are more horror markets for comics.
This is just another avenue for my work, another skill to hone. And it's fun.
First, I took some printer paper and a pencil. I drew out the panels and wrote the captions. I also wrote the descriptions for the artist. It didn't take me but an hour to do it and the story is actually much better for it. Then I put it into Word using basic comic script format, which goes something like this:
1/4 (Page One, Panel Four)
Caption (top): I knew Jim had a secret, but I never in a million years figured him for a fairy.
Split Panel
We see a girl staring through a lock. On the other side is a man stretching, thinking he is alone. He has fairy wings.
Like I said, I still have a lot to learn.
When I was a kid, I loved reading comics. I read all the old EC comics and I was a Marvel fan. I liked some DC, but Marvel had the best story lines and characters. It had never occured to me that I could write comics. Now I'm thinking it is a possibility, especially now that there are more horror markets for comics.
This is just another avenue for my work, another skill to hone. And it's fun.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
DragonCON ~ Saturday
Saturday is pretty much a blur. I missed the parade due to exhaustion, but the boys got to see it. I took the boys to eat and we walked around. They didn't find anything they wanted to do. There needs to be more kids programming for older kids. They did get to see a wrestling match where one of the wrestlers picked other one up, held him high and threw him into a wall by the door, taking the wall out. They sent the scary hotel security guy to check things out. Zane loved it and didn't want to leave, but Donald was bored. I wanted to take them to other things, but my legs were just not up to it. I think next year I may need to get a hoverround.
Michelle and I met up with Dana Snyder and crew Saturday night at a film festival. They couldn't leave until 3am, so we went upstairs to the green room party. Nathan Fillion showed up and I introduced myself and told him how much I enjoyed Sliver. I then asked a really stupid question and stumped him completely regarding who sang the song at the end of the movie. Davey and I tried to get Michelle to talk to him, but she was too nervous. I'll talk to anyone. They are people too. And if you are at the same party, it puts you on the same playing field. I also met some other really cool and interesting people. We discussed art, science, and just life in general. Davey wasn't drinking because he was driving, but Michelle was drinking and giving him a hard time about his being sober. We ended up chasing Michelle all over the lobby of the Hyatt taking pictures as you can see if you look through the posts. Michelle was really disappointed because her idol Kevin Sorbo didn't show up to the party. She wanted to get a picture of them arm wrestling. There's always next year.
Michelle and I met up with Dana Snyder and crew Saturday night at a film festival. They couldn't leave until 3am, so we went upstairs to the green room party. Nathan Fillion showed up and I introduced myself and told him how much I enjoyed Sliver. I then asked a really stupid question and stumped him completely regarding who sang the song at the end of the movie. Davey and I tried to get Michelle to talk to him, but she was too nervous. I'll talk to anyone. They are people too. And if you are at the same party, it puts you on the same playing field. I also met some other really cool and interesting people. We discussed art, science, and just life in general. Davey wasn't drinking because he was driving, but Michelle was drinking and giving him a hard time about his being sober. We ended up chasing Michelle all over the lobby of the Hyatt taking pictures as you can see if you look through the posts. Michelle was really disappointed because her idol Kevin Sorbo didn't show up to the party. She wanted to get a picture of them arm wrestling. There's always next year.
Monday, September 1, 2008
DragonCON 2008 ~ Friday
Well, we left early, but due to the horrendous construction in downtown Atlanta, I had to take an alternate route. It took us two hours to get there. I was standing in front of the hotel unloading when I realized that about a foot away and looking expectantly at me was Lance Hendrickson (Bishop from Aliens). A DragonCON staffer asked me, "Are You Christine?" Only having eyes for one of my favorite actors of all time, I said, "Hi, Lance. How are you?" I think he answered, "Just fine." The staffer then asked me if I was Christine again and I had to answer no. Apparently they were looking for the person who was supposed to drive Lance. If I didn't have the kids with me, I would have said, "No, but do you need a ride?"
I met him later at the Walk of Fame. We actually know someone in common. Chris Ellis who played the Coroner in Millenium is an old family friend. Lance is a fan of Memphis. He gave me a free autograph. He seemed so calm and pleasant. I really don't see how they do it, being shuffled around constantly and having to sign autographs for hours on end.
So, I dropped my luggage off and then dropped my kids off in the computer gaming area. My husband is Don Stauffer, Director of Computer Gaming for the con. Then I had to hustle over to the Hyatt to get my badge. It was hot and I'm on the South Beach Diet which seems to have upped my metabolism, so I was sweating horribly. My panel was at 2:30 and I made it with five minutes to swear, but I looked awful. My face was red and my hair was wet.
The panel was Vampires, Ghosts, & Other Supernatural Beings. I shared the panel with Christina Barber, but I can't recall who else at this time. They made a major change in the way they categorized everything and now I'm on the Dark Fantasy: Horror track. I'm not sure I like the changes. It seems there are way too many sub categories within the tracks. Why can't we just have a Horror track. What is this Dark Fantasy?
After my panel, I went and picked up my luggage from the bell captain and dropped it off in the room and I did something with the kids until later, but I can't remember what. They were bored the entire time apparently. I gave them the schedule and told them to pick out things to do and they couldn't find anything.
My room was in the Hilton, but all the writing stuff is in the Hyatt, two hotels away. Needs to say my legs and feet were killing me. I have fibromyalgia, so what makes someone else very sore, cripples me. I'm going to work hard this year to try to regain muscle strength and lose weight. I don't want to be in a wheelchair next year.
Michelle met up with me and we went to dinner and then on the way back to the room, we met Dana Snyder, aka Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Once of nicest and funniest guys on the planet. He and Michelle clowned around. We also met some of the Game Stop Entertainment Staff, several who'd come all the way from Ireland (Brian and Aaron). These were really nice guys who made us feel very welcome. We had a great time, although someone called security on us because Brian's deep voice carries too easily even when he speaks normally.
I guess you can say the party was successful if Security shows up. We ended up going to bed around 4am, but I couldn't sleep because of my legs hurting. I took a hot bath and took a muscle relaxer and a hydrocodone and finally fell asleep around 6am. All and all it was a great day, except for the fact that I missed Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog because I didn't feel up to walking to the Sheraton.
I met him later at the Walk of Fame. We actually know someone in common. Chris Ellis who played the Coroner in Millenium is an old family friend. Lance is a fan of Memphis. He gave me a free autograph. He seemed so calm and pleasant. I really don't see how they do it, being shuffled around constantly and having to sign autographs for hours on end.
So, I dropped my luggage off and then dropped my kids off in the computer gaming area. My husband is Don Stauffer, Director of Computer Gaming for the con. Then I had to hustle over to the Hyatt to get my badge. It was hot and I'm on the South Beach Diet which seems to have upped my metabolism, so I was sweating horribly. My panel was at 2:30 and I made it with five minutes to swear, but I looked awful. My face was red and my hair was wet.
The panel was Vampires, Ghosts, & Other Supernatural Beings. I shared the panel with Christina Barber, but I can't recall who else at this time. They made a major change in the way they categorized everything and now I'm on the Dark Fantasy: Horror track. I'm not sure I like the changes. It seems there are way too many sub categories within the tracks. Why can't we just have a Horror track. What is this Dark Fantasy?
After my panel, I went and picked up my luggage from the bell captain and dropped it off in the room and I did something with the kids until later, but I can't remember what. They were bored the entire time apparently. I gave them the schedule and told them to pick out things to do and they couldn't find anything.
My room was in the Hilton, but all the writing stuff is in the Hyatt, two hotels away. Needs to say my legs and feet were killing me. I have fibromyalgia, so what makes someone else very sore, cripples me. I'm going to work hard this year to try to regain muscle strength and lose weight. I don't want to be in a wheelchair next year.
Michelle met up with me and we went to dinner and then on the way back to the room, we met Dana Snyder, aka Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Once of nicest and funniest guys on the planet. He and Michelle clowned around. We also met some of the Game Stop Entertainment Staff, several who'd come all the way from Ireland (Brian and Aaron). These were really nice guys who made us feel very welcome. We had a great time, although someone called security on us because Brian's deep voice carries too easily even when he speaks normally.
I guess you can say the party was successful if Security shows up. We ended up going to bed around 4am, but I couldn't sleep because of my legs hurting. I took a hot bath and took a muscle relaxer and a hydrocodone and finally fell asleep around 6am. All and all it was a great day, except for the fact that I missed Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog because I didn't feel up to walking to the Sheraton.
DragonCON 2008 ~ Michelle & Scary Clown
Michelle the Scream Queen. Oh, her tongue is orange because of the Sparks drink she was drinking. It was a caffienated malt beverage and had her running around like a tipsy Energizer Bunny.
DragonCON 2008 ~ The Tick
Michelle swoons as she is saved by The Tick! This guy was really nice, handsome, and built like a Mack Truck.
DragonCON ~ Aaron Poole
This handsome guy is Aaron Poole. He wasn't on the list of guests, but he came all the way from Ireland to be at DragonCON and worked with Ken Plume and Quick Stop Entertainment. They had a panel with Dana Snyder aka Master Shake Friday afternoon. I couldn't attend because it was at the same time as my panel. Michelle didn't know anyone her own age and he was nice enough to hang out with us. I really hope he comes back next year and as a guest. He deserves it.
DragonCON 2008 ~ Dana Snyder
My daughter Michelle seeing through the eyes of Dana Snyder. It was hilarious watching these two clown around together.
DragonCON 2008 ~ Dana Snyder

For that night, it didn't seem like we were at one of the largest con's in the country. It was like we'd met an old friend and were just having a blast together.
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