Thursday, December 18, 2008

What I've Been Doing

I got too behind on the NanoWrimo front due to a nasty virus that had me bedridden for three days, so I had to give it up. It's just as well. I'm back on the novella (Vendetta), but I'm struggling. I have been doing a lot of studying on the art of writing, such as characterization, plot & structure, and scenes.

These are some great books and I recommend them: PLOT & STRUCTURE by James Bell, MAKE A SCENE by Jordan E. Rosenfeld. There is another, but it is in my car and I'm too lazy to go get it at the moment. I'll list it later. I've also been into this month's POETS & WRITERS MAGAZINE. There are so awesome articles in it. This is the MFA edition.

I really wish I could go back to school, but we can't afford it right now. That and I don't have the time. I'd love to get my degree and teach literature.

I've also been doing a little studying of poetry. I picked up that Alexandrine form is a poem that has 12 syllables on each line. That sounded challenging, so I decided to write one. I'm not the world's best poet, but I do enjoy writing poems.


He drinks the soup from a chipped, blue ceramic bowl.
Soup dribbles down his bearded chin in rivulets.
He wipes the streams away with the hem of his sleeve
And so the soup continues until laundry day.

Currently I am back at work on Vendetta. I'm just taking it scene by scene. I've also added some stuff for characterization and hopefully fixed the POV issues. I used to think I knew what I was doing and somewhere a long the way I lost my confidence. The illness I deal with has a lot to do with that I think. The chronic pain and fatigue; also, the depression and mood swings.

I'm determined to get this novella done. I have other projects to work on. I haven't written a story in so long I'm worried I've forgotten how (not really).

Anyone else get holiday blues?


Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

Toni, I was delighted to find my book on your recommended list! I so appreciate it. I hope it really helps. I'm also teaching some online classes on the subject over at Maria Schneider's Editor Unleashed...maybe you can sign up? (And if this is too self-promoting a comment, I understand if you need to delete it).

Jordan Rosenfeld

Toni Stauffer said...

Hi, Jordan :)

I really love the way your book is organized and it makes a lot of sense. Breaking my book down scene by scene has really helped me. I've published numerous stories, but writing the book is much harder than I thought it would be.

I'll check out the class. Thanks for commenting and I have no problems with self promotion. It's a necessary evil for writers.