Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I did it and it was fairly painless. I live in a very conservative area. My neighbor across the street just put up his McCain yard sign yesterday. And up at the school where we vote, there were McCain/Palin signs at the drive. There weren't any Obama signs anywhere, but that's okay. I put my vote in for him anyway.

My 6th grader came home yesterday and said his friends didn't want Obama to win because he is a Muslim. I had to explain to him that his friends were wrong and that Obama is not a Muslim, but a Christian. It is frightening how kids will parrot the beliefs of their parents and grandparents and defend those beliefs simply because they are held by family. But then, they are kids. I'm hoping they will outgrow that.

Obama is not Muslim and is not a socialist. Anyone who believes these lies is an idiot.

On the NanoWriMo front, I am not at 6,000 words. I'll try to reach 8,000 today, though I'm feeling really tired and icky.

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