Monday, November 3, 2008

My NanoWriMo Novel So Far

This is probably the strangest bit I've ever written...and the most fun. The title at the moment is YOUNG AT DEATH, but it may change.

Our protagonist is sixteen-year-old Anwyn, Annie to her friends. Her father dead and abandoned by her mother, she lives with her violent and alcoholic Aunt Ethel and her perverted Uncle James. She learns that her best and only friend, Cathy, is moving to Australia. When cornered by her Uncle, she stabs herself in the throat with a pair of scissors in an attempt to end her pain and to cause him pain. However, she didn't think things through and now she is in a worse place than ever.

Accompanied by her pet rat, Oreo, whom she can now understand, she wanders through Limbo while waiting for her comatose body to either recover or die. Limbo happens to be the hospital. So far she has met an angel whom she asked for help and was told that helping her was not his area. And she has met David whose body is in a coma from a drug overdose.

David is suspicious and fearful at first, but not wanting to be alone, he follows her and they become friends. They discover that they cannot leave the building and decide to explore the hospital. They end up on the pediatrics floor where they meet a little girl with a teddy bear. David inquires about the bear's name and the little girl tells him the bear's name is Jaws. David finds this funny, but not for long. The little girl puts the bear down on the floor and it changes into a demonic grizzly that tries to eat them. Their fear snaps them back to their bodies and they meet up again. They reason that the little girl is not a little girl at all, but a demon and that the children on the floor are in danger. So, they have hatched a plan to find another angel and tell it about the demon, hoping that the angel will take care of it.

And that is where we are so far. A lot has happened in just 4,000 words, eh?

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